Game 112: Charterstone Legacy Game

Caleb gave this game to David for his birthday last week. We opened it Saturday and played the first round. It is a legacy game - in other words, a game that will be built as we play over a series of gaming sessions. As a family we've played one other legacy game, Pandemic Legacy . That game was cooperative; this one is competitive. I prefer cooperative games, but a nice feature of this game is that once we build the board (the village) in our first play-through, we will have created a game that we can continue to play in the future. With Pandemic Legacy , that wasn't the case; once we played through it, it was just done and unable to be played again. It was a great game - one of my absolute favorite gaming experiences ever - but it's certainly a bummer that we can't play it again. There are pros and cons to everything, I guess. With Charterstone , we have only played the first round, which seems to be mostly intended to jus...