Game 97: Dominion
As I mentioned in my previous post, Dominion is a game that our family latched onto quite a few years ago and played over and over and over and over. It's a deck-building game, and you have a variety of sets of cards to choose from each time you play, so there is a lot of variety possible. We purchased quite a few expansions (pictured below) and had fun mixing and matching with that. In the last year or two I haven't been able to get my boys to play this game. I'm not sure if we just over-played it early on, or if this has to do with Caleb generally having a masterful winning strategy that leaves us all waiting while he takes his massively long turns (which perhaps he also is bored with). Two weeks ago I had opportunity to go to a colleague's house for a game day. The group hadn't played this game, so I brought it along. I was happy for a chance to play again. It's definitely a good game, and it even won the Spiel des Jahres Kriti...