Game 136: That's Pretty Clever

Two weeks ago our son, whose love language is very definitely "The Giving and Receiving of Gifts," gave David an EARLY Father's Day gift of the game That's Pretty Clever.  We had played it once before, a year or so ago, at our friends' house.  That first time we played it, I found it interesting but very confusing.  You use a die or combinations of dice to mark spaces on the board, and those spaces can provide one or more benefits.  Each of the colored dice provides opportunities in a different way, and that first time I played it I found it nearly impossible to make decisions about which die to choose to use at any given time.  It wasn't hard to play; it was just hard to figure out any kind of strategy to be able to play well.  But even though it was at least a year later that I played again, I found it vastly easier
 to make decisions with confidence each turn.  My husband and I are now completely addicted to this game and have played it nearly every day since he received it as a gift.  Even though it involves chance in the rolls of the dice, there is definitely strategy that can be learned.  We see this as our scores climb higher nearly every time we play.

On the game card you can see the different areas for the different colors - with a box for yellow and a box for blue but then a row each for green and orange and purple.  Above the colored boxes are rows for bonuses (re-rolls or an extra die choice).  On your turn you get three opportunities to roll the dice, and you choose what you want from what is rolled.  For each roll, any dice with values lower than the one you choose get set aside, and you roll again with those that remain.  Once you finish your turn, other players choose from the dice you did not use.   (Re-roll bonuses and +1 bonuses modify this a bit.)
A closer look at the game card shows some of the ways to get bonuses.  For example, once I end up taking my third purple die value, I get a re-roll.  If I take a fourth purple die value, I get to mark off any blue value of my choice.  This can be seen in the bottom row.  If, for instance, I get to the blue X and then cross off the 4 blue I will have completed the far right-hand column in the blue box, which then gives me a +1 bonus, allowing me to chose another die value.  I can use that bonus right away or save it until I see something I really want or need for my card.  You can sometimes work it so that one thing earns you another, which earns you another, and so on, which kind of feels to me like a pinball machine lighting up!  The stellated circles above the green and blue and below the yellow are how many points you earn (for finishing a column, in the case of yellow, or for filling up the track of box to that point, in the case of blue or green).  It probably sounds pretty confusing - partly because in my posts I'm not trying to give a full set of directions but rather just the flavor - partly because there is a lot going on in this game - and partly because it IS confusing at first, I think.  But, like I said earlier, once you give it a try, it makes complete sense the next time for sure.

Inside the box is "platform" with what looks like a silver platter.  This is where the dice that the active player had not chosen are placed for other players to choose from.  I like it that everybody gets to do something every turn.  I also like that there is possible overlap in what players are choosing, and yet the results can turn out dramatically differently.  So while there is chance involved, there is also that aspect of out-thinking and "out-choosing" other players.

Personal update - as has been the case in recent years, I am woefully behind on posting - this despite the fact that I retired in December.  I always have so many projects going on that I tend to not be able to keep up with this as well as I'd like.  Despite this, I do hope to continue to persevere with numbering the games on our shelves and sharing with friends and family and others interested in gaming what it is that we are up to game-wise.  The main thing "distracting" me right now is writing a novel, and I've reached a new phase with that by signing on with a writing coach this morning!  I'll be working with her for the next 12 months (huge commitment) and hoping to have a very solid first draft by the end of that time.  My other major focus has been my math history/mathematical travels YouTube channel that I began last fall.  I don't have a TON of stuff up there yet, but I'm working at learning how to make decent videos, and each one takes me a lot of time.  If you're at all interested in my mathematical travels or math history, my channel can be found at this link:


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