Game 133: Sequence


I can't believe I hadn't yet posted on this common classic, Sequence.  Caleb requested to play this today, after I had suggested Dominion and Splendor.  He wasn't in the mood for that sort of game (unusual!) and went upstairs to look at the shelves.  He saw this and said he remembered it being one of his favorite games in childhood.  So we played.  We used to play it quite a bit -- decades ago!  It's not one I've been drawn to because it's so simple and doesn't involve a lot of strategy, but I was pleasantly surprised at how engaging I found it to be today.  

The game consists of a board with a grid of card images on it, and you begin with 7 cards in your hand.  You can play a token of your color on a spot on the board that matches your card.  (There are more than one of each.)  The goal is to be the first to get two sequences, a sequence being five in a row.  There are no jacks on the board, as they have special abilities -- two-eyed jacks are wild, and one-eyed jacks remove.
I got the first sequence.  The corner counts for either player, but Caleb snuck past me to complete two-sequences before I got my second.
And then we followed it with a game of Love Letter, at which he also beat me.  He keeps me humble, that's for sure!


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