BONUS GAME: Decktective - Nightmare in the Mirror

It seems things are turning around, as this is my second post in two days!  Decktective: Nightmare in the Mirror is a game that involves solving a mystery, so you can only play it once.  The idea is that you then pass it on to a friend.  Tim, Jacob and Caleb had already played it, so they brought it over for me and David to play as well.  Jacob took it home tonight, and they'll be passing it on to another of their gaming friends.  I can't/shouldn't shared too many pictures, as I don't want to give too much away.  In fact, you may not want to look further at all, just in case I accidentally end up spoiling something small even with these quite generic pictures.  It is a good game.  I do recommend it.  It takes about an hour to play.  We were really tired, so it took us about an hour and a half!

The cards are in the box in a specific order, and you do have to play through it in that order.  It begins with a card containing the set-up and directions.

The box ends up becoming a room in the crime-scene set-up, which is clever.  Maybe don't look too closely at the next picture.  I tried to take it from a bit of a distance.  I don't think you can read anything unless you really zoom in.  Realize also, that if you do read this point and then play this later, that our choices of cards below may have been wise or may have been foolish!  Basically as cards come up (into your hand) you decide which cards to play and which to discard - trying to determine what information is valid and important and what is misleading or irrelevant.  The number of cards you discard face-down (aka "archive") is the number that gives you the value of the cards you can play (values are marked on cards).  I hear there are three different "Decktective" games.  I really liked this and would like to play the other two.



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