Game 129: Kings Cribbage
I remember the excitement I felt when I came across an advertisement for this game decades ago. It was obviously the perfect birthday gift for David, and, since gifting isn't my "love language," it was nice to know I had a good idea for once! We used to play this quite a lot, and I think we only moved away from it as our boys got old enough to play sophisticated board games, at which point those became our focus. David and I both love Cribbage, and we like Scrabble -- especially Fast Scrabble; this game, being a combination of those two, was perfect for us. It had been years since we had played, so we needed to do a quick refresh on some details of the rule book. It was nice being able to play outside, spring finally having really "sprung." Below is my starting hand: The board near the beginning of the game: No matter what game we play David needs a lot of time to contemplate each move deeply. It was nice to have beautiful surroundings to enjoy as Da...