Game 128: Abalone
At first it seemed we were going to keep our pieces very clumped together, but I decided to just try a crazy move, splitting my pieces (the black ones) a bit just to get things moving, and that proved to be a fatal error. (As a mathematician I should know better and do better, but I was seriously tired and just wanted to keep it moving!)
Despite the fact that it seemed obvious to me that David had an insurmountable advantage, he took his time with each move - thinking about everything carefully, as is his wont.
Though it was years ago that we'd last played, I to remember this game being quite competitive, but through my tiredness and impulsiveness tonight I gave him an opening to the middle ground, and he took full advantage - snaking right through my pieces.
I was getting really worried that he would push off all my pieces before I even got a single one of his! With each piece lost I was at more and more of a disadvantage.
But I was finally able to get one!In fact I got a couple more before I was crushed entirely.
Obviously I must play this game again - and take it more seriously when I do!
*Correction: You only need to knock of 6 of your opponents marbles to win; you do not have to knock them all off. Whew! That will make it less painful!
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