FOLLOW-UP: Abalone

When we played Abalone recently (game 128), it just didn't feel as satisfying as it used to - at all.  I love games of pure strategy, and especially when they are as pure as this one, just a straight-up battle for territory between black pieces and white pieces.  After we played last time I read up on the game a little bit, and it turns out that in the standard set-up with all the white pieces starting on one side and all the black pieces starting on the other, that if the players are good, the one who goes first will win.  Because of this, alternative starting set-ups have been created for tournament play.  The set-up above is called the Belgian Daisy.  The set-up below is called the Germain Daisy.  For tonight we decided to try the German Daisy starting position.  This absolutely made for more interesting game play.  I didn't check the time, but it took us quite a while, and it really felt like a battle that we were both invested in.  (It also helped to get a refresher on the rules - and to know that one wins after having pushed off 6 of the opponents marbles, rather than having to push them ALL off!)
First move.  I decided I want to try to dominate the center early.

David is always better at games of territory (and visualization), and sure enough, he took first blood.
Before I knew it, David had two of my pieces.  I figured this was just going to play out like most of our games of this type, but I was determined to fight for the middle and stage a come-back.
I'm finally managing to hold the center.  Let's see how this goes.
But you can't just stay in the center; you need to venture out in order to take out some pieces, so here we are 2 to 2, and I'm feeling a little more hopeful, but I want to reconsolidate in the center.
And now I'm up 3 to 2.
Trying to get it back together.
I'm up 4 to 2, which is unheard of!
Eventually I was ahead 5 to 2, and I knew I could afford to lose some pieces, and I only needed one of his, so I focused on that marble on the far left and did nothing but try to trap it, which worked.
I don't know that I'll be able to take David down again in this game now that we've tried it once with this set-up.  I'm sure his neurons are working in the background on the next game already.  We yet need to try the Belgian Daisy starting position.  These new starting positions aren't quite as elegant as an across the board face-off between white and black, but they sure do play better!


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