Game 116: The Captain is Dead


This game came to our shelves via Jacob's last birthday, four months ago!  Yes, I'm going to continue to grouse a bit about the busyness of this semester!  I did take 2 days fully off over the 4-day Thanksgiving holiday, and gaming commenced!  This is a cooperative game, and I am a fan of cooperative games.  I like to work together with my family members rather than against them.  I'm eager to play this game a second time (Christmas break?) now that I have an idea of what the elements are.  Despite being intrepid gamers, we went with a pretty easy setting for our first game, and we won quite easily.  I think we will ratchet it up a notch or two (or more) next time we play.
Here we are getting it out of the box for the first time and taking a good look at the board.

Basically the idea is that we are crew members of a besieged ship, and we are dealing with hostile aliens in the ship, damage to our shields, hostile alien ships attacking from the outside, and computer systems going off-line as we try to repair the jump core of our ship.  Each player has a different role and different abilities, and this can change each time as though the game is for 2 to 7 players, there are 18 roles.

It was just really good to get a chance to game with family, and I look forward to playing this game again now that I have a better idea of how all the roles, obstacles characters, and components operate.



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