Game 114: Cover Your Assets
I cannot believe I hadn't written about this game yet. We've played it so many times since I began this blog. I only post games that we are playing for the first time since the inception of this blog, and we play this game so much that I and the rest of the family just assumed I had posted about it already! Despite its edgy, punny name, it's an elegant game - elegant in its simplicity. It's also very fast paced. It can bring about a lot of laughter as things get pretty heated (when the stealing begins), but it can also get pretty frustrating and feel a bit personal when you're the one getting stolen from all the time - never getting a chance to "cover your assets." It's OK, though, because it goes so fast that you can just play another round, and chances are the the tables will turn on someone else, and you'll come out on top! The photo above is of what I was dealt to begin the game. The fact that I had pairs of cards was really SWEE...