
Showing posts from June, 2020

Game 109: Dragon Dice

In the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, I thought we would be playing far more games.  Perhaps I should say that I thought that at this time of pandemic that we would be making good progress through the uncounted games on our shelves, but this has not been the case.  We've been doing a reasonable amount of gaming, but it's mostly been just a few favorites (that I've already posted about).  Maybe games are like food in some sense, and just as there is comfort food there are "comfort games."  Despite it being pretty new to us, the game we've been addicted to in recent months is Quacks of Quedlinburg .  Since we're not playing our way through the uncounted games right now, I thought I'd put up a post or two of games on our shelves that I just can't get rid of but that for some reason or other are not exactly playable to us currently.  One of these is Dragon Dice .  I was drawn to this game immediately, as there is very little in life that ...