Game 95: Qwirkle

So, the family played this without me early in the weekend last weekend when I was grading mid-terms and had no time for gaming, but I got them to play it again later when I was able to join in.  We are up to a 95-game count with this one, and nowhere near the end of the "Games on Our Shelves!"  This game is very simple, yet fun.  The object  .  .  .  well, the object is to get the most points  .  .  .  but getting "qwirkles" (all one shape of all different colors or all six colors with the same shape) really helps with that, since you get an additional six points for doing so!  In order to place tiles, you need to match color or shape (without matching both).  It's a little bit like Scrabble, in that you have a number of tiles in front of you (in this case 6) that you can use on a turn - and that you have to use what is already on the board as you add.  Instead of making words, you are making strings that are all one color but of different shapes (or strings of all the same shape but of all different colors).  In the images below I have just captured a bit of our play turn-by-turn.

Here are the tiles I had to choose from  .  .  .

My mind was still so much on my school-work that I made a lot of ridiculous mistakes - like adding tiles to one end of a line where if I would have added them to the other end of the line I would have scored points in BOTH directions!
I should have put my hands in too, but here are the hands of my husband and two of my sons in our completed game (which I lost miserably!).


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