Game 93: Fluxx - Pirate

 Ahoy, mateys!  Did ye know that today be "Talk Like a Pirate Day?"  So what better game to play than Pirate Fluxx?  Not only be it "Talk Like a Pirate Day," but, shiver me timbers, it also be the 98th birthday of Petey the Pirate, mascot of Modesto Junior College (where I teach when I'm not out doing piratey things).  So before posting game pictures, I gi' ye some photos of Petey and me:

   And now, on to the game.  It begins with the basic rules, which are "Draw 1, Play 1."  Three cards are dealt to each player.  But the game is called Fluxx for a reason!  One type of card is the "New Rule" card, which does exactly that - puts a new rule down for everyone to follow.
 I felt like tonight was the weirdest game of Fluxx I had ever played, since for a very long time there was only one "New Rule" card out there.  Usually there's such a mass of cards in the middle of the table that I can't keep track of what I'm supposed to be doing , or can be doing, on my turn.  At this point the "Goal," which is the win-condition, was the "Marooned" card, meaning that if someone had the desert island and the dinghy in front of them as keepers, they would win - but the goal can change on any or every turn - and keepers are somewhat easily stolen (or plundered).
 After what seemed like a pretty slow game, Caleb suddenly pulled off a win by playing the "Gold and Silver Goal" and having "Pieces of Eight" and "Gold Doubloons."  (Hats off to ye, matey!)
 Here are some examples of "Goal" cards:
 Here are some "Keeper" cards:
 Here are some "New Rule" cards:
 Here are some "Action" cards. 
 All the cards above can only be played on your turn, but "Surprise" cards can be played at any time - as you might imagine.  There are also "Creeper" cards, which keep you from winning if they are in front of you (unless some card says otherwise - for instance, there is a "Goal" called "Free the Prisoner" that allows you to win if you have "Shackles" and "The Key."  There are cards for "Lemons' and "Limes" that allow you to get rid of "Scurvy."
One of the "New Rules" cards is "Talk Like a Pirate," and we did get that one in play, which seems fitting seeing as that is what is observed on September 19.  Happy Birthday Petey!


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