Game 92: Deep Sea Adventure

 This will be a very short post, as I have already written about this game, Deep Sea Adventure, in my bonus post from July 19: Deep Sea Adventure in Ripon.  We played this game at our friends' house, and I liked it so much that I put it on my birthday list  .  .  .  and since it wasn't "on our shelves" at that time I couldn't officially count it.  My son Jacob got it for me as a gift (along with a box of Junior Mints - yea!).  I find I'm still trying to work out the strategy for this game.  No matter how careful I try to be, I still end up drowning most of the time and losing the treasure I had collected (though I try not to delve to greedily and too deep!).  I've only ever played it as a 4-player game, and I don't know if it makes a difference to have a different number of players.  This is my first week of school, so I had to drop out last night after one game. David, Jacob and Caleb played a 3-player game after I bowed out, and I was so busy with work that I don't even know how it went.
 Here we are starting a round in our submarine (though someone had better reset our oxygen supply to 25 from 0!)  Below you see us at the start of a round.  We dive down, down, down, but each time we choose to pick up treasure (a mystery amount listed on the bottom of a tile we land on) it begins to drop our oxygen total and it subtracts from our die role, so that we end up with less time to surface and a lower number in which to do so!  It's quite a balance between trying to collect treasure and yet being able to re-enter the submarine before oxygen runs out!
 One thing I like about this game is that it's so compact - light, easy to carry, simple pieces - and yet it's challenging!
See Deep Sea Adventure in Ripon for a bit more info.  (PS If I haven't said this already, I always play green!)


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