Game 77: Mastermind

 And the answer to the question in yesterday's post is that the old game from our childhoods that David picked for us to play was Mastermind!  No chance involved here - just pure logic.  Below is my first guess on the first game, and below that picture is a view from David's perspective a few rows later.  I'm not posting an image of how long it took me to get that one, but I think it's only fair to state that David gave accidentally gave me false clues twice and didn't notice them until I was a row or two beyond where the mistake was made.  Yes, I am making excuses, but in this case I think they are legit.

 OK, so then it was my turn to choose the color pattern and let David guess.

   .  .  .  and he ROCKED it!  He solved it in four rows!
 Below is another example of David's prowess at logic - took him 5 rows this time, but still not bad!
This was quite a blast from the past!


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