Game 71: Survive - Escape Atlantis! Dolphins & Squids & 5-6 Player Expansion

My previous post was of a Christmas gift I received, and this post is of a Christmas gift I gave: the Dolphins & Squids & 5-6 Player Expansion to Survive: Escape from Atlantis.  This one was my gift to Jacob, and it was really cool to be able to play Survive: Escape from Atlantis with more than 4 people - especially given our full house right now.  This expansion does more than allowing for additional players, however.  It adds squid (which can eat you on shore or destroy your boat and eat you); it adds dolphins (that can protect you from sharks); and it takes away the tile that allows you to swim on a dolphin.  I've already posted about the original game, so if you'd like more details about play see that post.
 Reading of directions and setting up is going on above.  Below is our randomized island configuration.  The randomization makes for a new game every time.
Once the island is set up it gets populated.  With more players it's quite a bit more populated and quite a bit more colorful!
 And then the placement of the boats occurs, and we are ready to escape from the doomed island!
 Very quickly meeples are scrambling for the boats.  Already one of my green meeples is swimming due to the land having sunk underneath her!  Whales, squid and sharks are beginning to show up to feast and destroy.
 It seems to me that squid must be social animals!  (They look friendly, but watch out!)

 The island is quickly sinking, and survivors continue to try to make their way to the continents in the corners of the board - hoping to make their way around whales, squid, sharks, and sea monsters!
 My last green meeple is clearly done for - treading water and flanked by two sea monsters and a shark!
 It's not just about how many of your people/meeples you can get to safety, but also which ones you can get to safety.  Each meeple has a value printed on the bottom, and your final score is the sum of the numbers on your meeples that survive.  Though I only got three of my meeples to safety, I had a total of 11, which put me in second place behind Caleb who had 13.
We played with 6 people: Anthony, Jacob, Caleb, Ocean, me and Tim (later replaced by David).  It played well, and I hope we have opportunity to play with such a large number again soon - not sure since everyone is dispersing soon and heading home from the holidays.


 My three sons.  I don't get to have them home together very often, so I'm a very happy momma right now!
 Two-year-old Declan did a great job of playing his "games" down the table from us, so, as well as being a happy momma, I'm a proud grandma!!


  1. Love reading about all the holiday gaming. Happy New Year!


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