Game 59: Cathedral
Cathedral is a game from early in our marriage. I love anything that has to do with medieval times, castles or cathedrals, and I love anything that's as beautifully hand-crafted as this, especially of wood. And, as I've mentioned so many times before, David is really good at games of territory, which this is, so I certainly always know I'm going to be challenged and more than challenged, which is fine with me. David did win the first game 8 to 0, but we did tie in the second and final game. The first piece to be played is the cathedral, which is a neutral piece. You may play pieces anywhere, but one goal is to claim territory by connecting edges of the board - at which point you are the only person allowed to play in the claimed space, and if one (and only one) of your opponents pieces ended up in space you claimed, then that piece is removed and returned to that player. It can be played again in a legal space, but it basically amounts...