Game 49: Qwitch

Qwitch is a very different game from what we generally play.  It a little bit like playing Fast Uno, but it's much harder on the brain.  Even though the play is hard on the brain, the rules are easy to understand.  It's not a game you can play while having a conversation because it's a game of quick reflexes.  The entire deck of cards (except one - which will be the card that starts face-up in the middle of the table) are dealt out to the players, but the players pick up only 5 of their cards to look at; the rest remain face-down on a pile in front of them.  All cards have both a letter and a number on them.  The numbers run from 1 to 8, and the letters run from A to H.  There are also rule cards (which have red backs), which tell you what the relationship has to be between the card you lay and the card in the middle that you lay it on.  The rule cards are +, -, and =.  Say, for instance, the + rule is out, then if the card in the middle has B and 5 on it, you could play a card with a C or a 6 on it.  Only the letter or the number have to follow the rule.  As you play you draw up so that you continue to have 5 cards in your hand.  The first person to run out of cards wins.  (If you get stuck and no one can play according to the rule, you flip a new rule card.  I found myself having a very hard time laying according to the letters when the rule was minus.)

Below is what the stack in the middle of the table looks like at the end of the game.  If you're feeling competitive and need to work off some adrenaline, this will fit the bill nicely!  If you're looking for strategy - look elsewhere.


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