Game 46: Bang! The Dice Game

 We already had the game Bang! on our shelves, and it's one most of our family members are familiar with.  On our recent trip to Michigan Joan and Dale graciously gifted us with Bang! The Dice Game.  I hear their girls play it and like it better than the original because it goes faster.  So, anyway, this game is now on our shelves - thanks Joan and Dale!
 It has most of the same elements of the original, including secret identities and the same win conditions (which are different for each type of character).  It had been a long time since I played the original, since I am not quite the fan of hidden identity games as my boys are.  I'm not good at lying, nor am I good at reading the clues to try to figure out whose who among the rest of the players.  We played it just the one time, and I was pretty tired, so I need to give it another chance soon.
Above is pictured of some of the elements - character and role cards, Indian arrows, dice (showing range of gun shots), bullets (representing life total).  The dice have many different symbols including dynamite (which is trouble for you if you roll three of them on your turn!), and beer, which allows you to do some healing!


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