Game 39: Colorku

 Well, OK, in some sense this is more a puzzle than a game, but we often do play Colorku cooperatively rather than singly.  It's the game of Sudoku but with colors instead of numbers.  It's got a great look and feel to it.  I found it slightly hard to adjust to initially, having played Sudoku, because it's easy for me to look at a row and see instantly what digits I have not used yet.  It seemed harder at first to process what colors you were missing in a row, column or square, but after playing it a few times that gets easier.  It helps that with most colors you have a light and a dark version of that color - light green and dark green, light purple and dark purple, etc. 
 David and Caleb sat down to a game of Colorku together tonight.
 Colorku comes with cards that give you the set-up for different games.  There is also a booklet of solutions in case you get totally stuck and need a little clue to get you moving in the right direction.  If you need this, it's generally a good idea to have someone else look at it for you and tell you where to place another piece, so that you don't see more than you want to see.


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