Game 30: Spyfall

 It seems to me that there are more and more games that involve roles and misdirection these days.  I'm not so good at hiding things or being less than honest, so I don't tend to do so well, but many of these games are fun socially.  That was the case tonight when David, Jacob and I played Spyfall with my parents and my brother Tim.  There is a lot of leeway with this game as you try to figure out who the spy is.  You can ask any question you want, and you can be very creative with your answers too.
 Cards are separated into stacks, each stack having all cards of one location (zoo, cruise liner, school, casino, hospital, etc.).  In each stack is one spy card.  The spy does not know the location and has to try to determine it based on questions and answers given by others.  The spy also has to ask and answer in such a way as to convince the other players that he knows the location.  The spy loses if the other players figure out who he is, and the spy wins if he figures out the location before he is caught.  Below is a picture from the rule book with all the locations on it.


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