Game 21: For Sale

For Sale is a simple, fast, basic game that nonetheless is able to hold our interest.  There are two main rounds, one in which you buy property and one in which you sell property.  The property cards are ordered in terms of value from 1 through 30, and in each round as many property cards are set out as there are players.  Players use money to bid on the properties.  In the second round dollar amounts are set out from $0 to $15,000 - here too it's as many cards as there are players - and players play one of their properties face down.  The highest-numbered property gets the highest dollar value (like bidding or an auction) and on down to the lowest-numbered property getting the lowest dollar value. 
 The picture below is of the first round, the bidding phase, property "values" here range from 5 to 29.  The first person to drop out of the bidding gets the lowest property "value."  As people drop out they pay half the coins they have bid (rounded up).  The last person out gets the highest "valued" property, but they have to pay all the coins they bid to the bank.  We hide the number of coins we have left (hence the box lid in front of me) so that players don't know what it will take to outbid other players.
 Below is a sample of a few of the cards.  Properties range from a dilapidated cardboard box to an igloo to a cabin to a castle to the space station - and everything in between!  As well as a house, each card has an animal on it, which is kind of neat.


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