Game 20 - Magic the Gathering: Promo Deck Casual Play

While at work yesterday, my colleague Ross gifted me with an Hours of Devastation plainswalker promo deck - Nissa: Genesis Mage.  He and Mike and I (and James whom we miss!) used to play during breaks at work.  Breaks don't seem as easy to come by anymore, but with Ross having purchased promo decks for the three of us, I am feeling some hope for fall semester.  Ross knows I love elves, so Nissa for me!  (My sons don't have such a fondness for elves, but, hey, I gotta be me!)
Here's what came in the promo pack:
 My boys and my colleagues generally beat me pretty soundly, but I enjoy the play so much that I don't care.  Caleb and I played yesterday afternoon so I could start getting familiar with the deck, and, sure enough, he took me down two-for-two with his old vampire duel deck.  I was pretty happy with how mine came up, though - lots of mana was showing up early on, allowing me to play Nissa and those big creatures after a couple more turns.  I haven't tweaked it at all with the booster packs yet, so we'll see how things go in future games.


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