Game 4: Huggermugger

My son Jacob and I are the ones in the family who particularly enjoy word games, and since he and I were the only ones gaming tonight we reached for Huggermugger.  It's kind of a mash-up of Hangman, Trivial Pursuit, and Balderdash.  It's a game for 2 to 4 players or teams - though we've played with more in the past by simply adding an extra token.
There are four categories: definitions (key), spelling (bee), unscramble (soup), and miscellaneous (horseshoes).  For miscellaneous you might be asked to find 12 words using the letters of another word, to find 10 words that rhyme with a given word, to complete a quote, etc.
When you land on a numbered spot on the edge of the board, if you answer a question correctly, you get to look under the dial labeled with that number.  The goal of the game is to be the first person to determine the mystery word on the mystery wheel. If you guess wrong, you lose, but if you wait too long before guessing someone else might beat you to it and win!
Your turn lasts until you give an incorrect response, but we've altered the rules a bit so that when you answer a question correctly in a numbered space you pass the turn rather than continuing - otherwise one of us might be waiting a very long time to get a turn! That's not to say we aren't stumped sometimes, and it's always fun when that happens, because then we learn something new!
There's some luck involved as well since moves rely on the outcome of a spinner, which means you can't always get into the numbered-space you need in order to figure out the word.  All in all Huggermugger is a good game and one that keeps our minds sharp!


  1. Now I wonder if you listen to NPR on early Sunday mornings...?

    1. Do you mean for The Sunday Puzzle with Will Shortz? If so, yes! We typically listen to CDs or to KLOVE, but as we drive to church Sunday morning we turn to NPR at 9:40 no matter what else we're in the middle of so as not to miss out on that!

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