
Showing posts from April, 2022

BONUS: Gaming Early 2022

  Well, we continue to play games I've already "counted" and games that aren't on OUR shelves, so the count remains on hold.  David and I played a new game tonight, a game that my brother left here for us to try.  I'd been grading midterms all week, so it took us a while to get to this.  It was a nice way to end the week - very fun game - also very pretty, which is always nice.  We played two rounds.  David won the first, and I won the second.  I can see that the more we play this game the more it is going to change on us as we guard against each other and try to out-strategize each other.  One issue to work out is whether to try to play as many cards as possible as fast as possible or to try to get things set up so as to be able to play higher point cards, but always with the fear that the other person will mess up the grid if you try to do this over a couple of turns.  Each card has a point value.  You get to play the card if the pictu...