Game 127: Ubi
I'm posting lots of pictures of this game since it gets no respect at my house - and also not much respect on the reviews on Board Game Geek - and I think this game deserves some respect! The "project" of this blog is to count the games on our shelves (because I really am curious about how many games we own) and, normally, to do so by posting when we PLAY a game from our shelves (posting only once - only the first time we play a game since I began this blog in April 2018). Well, since I don't think anyone will play this game with me ever, EVER again I am going to go ahead and post about it now because it is on our shelves despite having pretty much 0 probability of ever being played again here in our family group. I love this game, but it might be because I love trivia enough to have once been a contestant on Jeopardy!. I bought this game 5 or 6 years ago after I had been at a gathering of some colleagues who are gamers. Kathleen mentioned this game as a fa...