
Showing posts from November, 2020

Game 115: Liar's Dice

Prior to the pandemic our family - my parents, my brother, and the four of us from this household - had a tradition of getting together once a week for dinner and a game.  Typically we played a few hands of Rook .  Then, due to the COVID pandemic, we didn't get together at all for a very long time.  But as the months went on we found a way to gather safely.  (With my parents getting on in years it has been important to us to make sure they are "sheltered," which we're still doing our best to maintain, but all the intense sheltering was killing my extrovert father, and I get the sense he'd rather die of COVID than be deprived of company.)  Anyway, we now get take-out pizza, eat at separate tables, and play a game that works well while distancing: Liar's Dice .  This isn't a "packaged" game, but given the amount of shelf space taken up by such things as dice and packs of standard playing cards it's only fair that I count these as games in some ...