BONUS: Game Night with Kirks

It is summer, and that means I have time to get together with friends! As I look back, I see that this is our fourth game night with the Kirk family since I began this blog. The picture above is of the games - some ours, some theirs - that were stacked up on their kitchen counter to select from over the course of the evening. We ended up playing Deception , Bonkers , Barenpark, and Settlers of Catan (double). Barenpark ("Bear Park") was new to us. Tyler had gotten it as a birthday gift earlier in the week from Anna, and they taught us how to play. It felt to me like a combination between Tetris , Kingdomino , and Cathedral . We all really enjoyed it. The game is pretty easy to play, but I'm finding it hard to explain right now - maybe because I'm posting late at night. Basically, the idea is to build a bear park (koalas, pandas, polar bears, etc.) including enclosures, water features, playground areas, monuments, etc...