Game 82: Pandemic Legacy - Season 2
As we continue to enjoy our time with two sons at home, Caleb introduced us to Pandemic Legacy, his gift to the family. He's been playing this with friends in Michigan and has really liked it. I've heard great things from others who have played it as well. Today we played the prologue phase, and we lost. We could have won if we had reversed a couple of decisions, but I insisted we couldn't time travel and what was done was done. The prologue feels very much like standard Pandemic - a game I love but which Caleb isn't a fan of, and which is why, after 82 game postings, it is still not one I've blogged about! We'll be playing more phases of this in upcoming days, so for now I'm mostly just posting pictures of it without much more commentary. One thing about the game is that you really individualize it. For instance, we named the havens and wrote the names in permanent marker on the board. We also choose and name our own char...