Game 79: Carcassonne - Hunters and Gatherers
Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers is one of a whole family of Carcassonne games. I posted previously about the original Carcassonne game . The idea here is similar to the original, but it's also different enough to have quite a different feel to it. This version is set in the same area as Carcassonne but during the stone age rather than during medieval times. Instead of dealing with cities, abbeys, and roads, in Hunters and Gatherers you are dealing with forests, streams and wild game. In the next two pictures I've photographed tiles from each of these games (one orderly, one random), just to give an idea of the different landscape. The tiles start out upside-down, of course, and players take turns choosing a tile and connecting it to the ever-expanding board and earning points for completing forests, completing rivers, and hunting game. Game elements are claimed by placing meeples or huts on tiles. Huts are only used...