Game 13: Dixit

 Lucky game 13 is Dixit.  We're continuing our game-playing weekend with friends who are here from Michigan for Memorial Day weekend.  This game reminds me somewhat of a cross between Apples to Apples, Balderdash, and Code Words Pictures.  The turn passes around the table, and the person whose turn it is plays a card face down and gives a word or phrase description of the card.  Other players then select a card from their hand to play face down.  All these cards are shuffled and then laid out for everyone to vote on which card they think was the original.  Points are awarded based on whether or not you select the right card, whether or not people select your card, etc.  It's tricky because as the person whose turn it is you want some players but not all players to guess your card.  If it's your turn and your card is guess by either no one or by everyone, you get no points and all other players get two points (plus how ever many votes their cards earned). 
 We played with more than the "maximum" number of players so we used tokens other than the rabbit tokens that come with the game - as you can see below - and, as you can see above, we also scavenged boards and pens from other games in order to indicate our choices.  Rules schmules - you can always find a way to make things work!
 Below is a sampling of the cards - all quite whimsical, some rather evocative, so there are many options for the direction you can go with your description of what is on your card or what you play your card to match.  I think of this as a light, fun, casual game, but even this can get intense and competitive.


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