Game 11: Magic the Gathering - Cube Format

Caleb is finally home from college so we can play Magic again! WAHOO!!  We used his cube today, drafted and played.  It felt good!
 Pictured below are some cards that served me well.  (For some reason my pictures aren't coming out as well as I'd like - probably because we generally play at night, and I'm dealing with the glare of lights - and because I'm trying to get close-ups in low light - alas.)  I imagine those of you who play Magic will get a sense of what's here despite the unclear photo.  I was going to go Naya (as I usually do), but once I started building my deck, the green that I had, though powerful, seemed like it would be more of a distraction from just getting in there and getting the job done, and it felt like two-color would be a better choice mana-wise than three-color.  (I guess that goes without saying.)  Caleb was playing all kinds of crazy stuff with four color, but he had all kinds of crazy dual lands, shock lands, pain lands, etc. to keep him in the colors he needed.
 We played best of five.  (Shockingly, I won.  That never happens when I play Caleb, but maybe he was just having a lark playing four-color  .  .  .  who knows.)  I was happy to get to use this card twice for its miracle cost.  I didn't have much mana out yet, but since it was early in the game both times it sure got the job done.
 OK, so now I just need some creatures so I can equip my sword somewhere  .  .  .
I love Magic.  I love the artwork, the story, the mechanics; I love everything about it.  It's a challenge for the mind and a feast for the eyes in my opinion.
(OK, so this isn't a Magic mat per se, but still  .  .  .)


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